In Quarter 3, school went a little fast for us. It passed by with due dates all splattered across the calender. Math, Science, Language Arts and Social Studies, Spanish, Thai and Drama. Projects and Essays and Reading and Tests. Golden Rule: Do them now before they catch you in their trap later. Are my Goals fulfilled to my satisfaction? Well lets see!!!
Skills Reflection:
I have been speaking fluently [due to all my reading and conversations with my friends as well as teachers] and I'm struggling a bit at not making things a bit complicated. Complicated is something I'm used to. I've always taken complicated notes as my friends love to tell me. But it's always something I was proud of [I always wanted to do it like that in Elementary but now in Middle School, I'm finally getting the chance to atleast attempt at this].
Skills Adjustment: Speaking Clearly with a Topic [Summarizing Notes]
I will speak clearly with a clear topic and will not give unnecessary information in my presentations.
I will know that my goal has been achieved when I can speak without stuttering or pausing in my speeches and I will not need to practice my speech for a presentation
I will volunteer to answer complicated questions with a simple answer and question teachers in class and practice writing essays, short summaries and stories and read books aloud to increase my knowledge of professional summarizing
I will do this by the end of school year
Values Reflection:
I am still struggling a lot with this goal. There were more projects than homework and tests last year for me and so I'm not used to handling even this year's homework. I do dislike homework so that might be the reason. And I have this habit of saying to myself; "Just a few more minutes, 10 minutes more." That might hinder my determination for doing homework.
Values Adjustment: Organization of My Homework
I will be more organized with my homework and not finish it the day before it is due but rather the day I recieve it and if not, I will take more time out of my daily schedule and finish it the day after I receive it and if not, I will take more time out of my daily schedule and finish it the day after I receive it.
I will know that the goal has been achieved when I will have more freetime and when I will look over my homework again and see if I need corrections.
I will write my homework in my planner and sticky notes in my computer desktops that I will see everyday.
I will make alerts in my laptop and phone calendar as well as alarms in my phones. I will also ask my mom to remind me about my homework and all my necessary dates.
I will do this by the end of the school year.
Knowledge: Reading and Comprehending
I read a lot but I'm slightly struggling with comprehending. I can't really analyze and infer most of the gist
Knowledge Adjustment: Comprehension of Reading Material
I will read more than 20 minutes per day and comprehend that reading material
I will know that my goal has been achieved when I have a higher level of comprehension and acadamic skill
I will talk to people older than me everyday more than just once per day.
I will ask and answer questions atleast 3 times in school.
I will find more books and read more than 20 minutes.
I will ask my teacher about doubts I have about the book that I am reading or about something else.
I will time myself to read atleast 25 minutes per day, either on my laptop [E-Books] or a real book.
I will have a conversation with my teachers and parents every day
I will do this by the end of the school year
Skills Reflection:
I have been speaking fluently [due to all my reading and conversations with my friends as well as teachers] and I'm struggling a bit at not making things a bit complicated. Complicated is something I'm used to. I've always taken complicated notes as my friends love to tell me. But it's always something I was proud of [I always wanted to do it like that in Elementary but now in Middle School, I'm finally getting the chance to atleast attempt at this].
Skills Adjustment: Speaking Clearly with a Topic [Summarizing Notes]
I will speak clearly with a clear topic and will not give unnecessary information in my presentations.
I will know that my goal has been achieved when I can speak without stuttering or pausing in my speeches and I will not need to practice my speech for a presentation
I will volunteer to answer complicated questions with a simple answer and question teachers in class and practice writing essays, short summaries and stories and read books aloud to increase my knowledge of professional summarizing
I will do this by the end of school year
Values Reflection:
I am still struggling a lot with this goal. There were more projects than homework and tests last year for me and so I'm not used to handling even this year's homework. I do dislike homework so that might be the reason. And I have this habit of saying to myself; "Just a few more minutes, 10 minutes more." That might hinder my determination for doing homework.
Values Adjustment: Organization of My Homework
I will be more organized with my homework and not finish it the day before it is due but rather the day I recieve it and if not, I will take more time out of my daily schedule and finish it the day after I receive it and if not, I will take more time out of my daily schedule and finish it the day after I receive it.
I will know that the goal has been achieved when I will have more freetime and when I will look over my homework again and see if I need corrections.
I will write my homework in my planner and sticky notes in my computer desktops that I will see everyday.
I will make alerts in my laptop and phone calendar as well as alarms in my phones. I will also ask my mom to remind me about my homework and all my necessary dates.
I will do this by the end of the school year.
Knowledge: Reading and Comprehending
I read a lot but I'm slightly struggling with comprehending. I can't really analyze and infer most of the gist
Knowledge Adjustment: Comprehension of Reading Material
I will read more than 20 minutes per day and comprehend that reading material
I will know that my goal has been achieved when I have a higher level of comprehension and acadamic skill
I will talk to people older than me everyday more than just once per day.
I will ask and answer questions atleast 3 times in school.
I will find more books and read more than 20 minutes.
I will ask my teacher about doubts I have about the book that I am reading or about something else.
I will time myself to read atleast 25 minutes per day, either on my laptop [E-Books] or a real book.
I will have a conversation with my teachers and parents every day
I will do this by the end of the school year
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