Wednesday, October 1, 2014

My Middle School Goals

I will speak clearly and fluently with confidence.
I will know that the goal has been achieved when I will not need as much time to prepare how to present and be able to prepare what I will present more.
I will practice speaking clearly and fluently at a good volume at home. I will ask my brother and my parents as well as my friends to listen to my rehearsal of my presentation and give constructive criticism.
I will do this by the end of the school year.

I will be more organized with my homework and not finish it the day before it is due but rather the day I recieve it and if not I will take more time out of my schedule and finish it the day after I recieve it.
I will know that the goal has been achieved when I will have more freetime and when I will look over my homework again and see if I need corrections.
I will write my homework in my planner and another piece of paper that I will see everyday. I will make alerts in my laptop calendar and my phone. I will also ask my mom to remind me about my homework.
I will do this by the end of the school year.

I will read more than 20 minutes per day.
I will know when my goal has been achieved when I have a higher range of vocabulary and when I will be able to comprehend passages that a normal 13 year old cannot.
I will talk to my elders everyday. I will ask questions often in class. I will buy more books or find E-Books to read. I will ask my teacher about doubts that I will have about the book that I am reading. I will time myself to read atleast 30 minutes per day, either on my laptop (E-Books) or a real book.
I will do this by the end of the semester.

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