Monday, January 12, 2015

My Science Goal for 8th Grade 2015

My Science Goal:

To be able to provide details and facts that are related somewhat distantly to the main focus. I usually write a lot about the main focus but I only describe it; I don't really go in-depth and actually connect it to another fact that is related to the main points.
An Extremely Detailed Family Tree

How will I accomplish my Goal:

1.) I will study my textbook and my notes to cross-reference them for formatives as well as tests and projects
A Collection of Post It Notes
2.) I will note down the important details in the textbook that we do not really go in details

3.) I will attempt to converse with my brother about what he is doing in Science when possible and I will cross-reference what I have learned in school with what my brother has learnt so that I may understand more since I usually add a lot of details.

4.) If I do not understand a specfic detail that is important, I will ask my teacher, brother or mother

5.) I will try to research topics in advance so that I may have questions that does relate, distantly, to what we learn in class so that it may help me understand further about the topic

6.) I will also write what we have learned and some side notes on the topic in my journal/my other notebook

Checkpoint!!! How will I stay focused:

Samsung Galaxy S3 Mini [My Phone]
1.) I will set up a study schedule so that I may be organised with my work and divide it so that I may have a period of time to study science only

2.) I will set alarms in my phone so that it goes off for every period of time for when I need to study

3.) I will write a digital post it note for me so that I know the dates in which assignments are due on and when the tests are so that I can study for it.

How will I know that I have accomplished my Goal:

Exceeding Expectations/Meeting Standerds Test Papers
I will know that I have accomplished my Goal when I get E and Ms on my test papers in class as well as the projects and lab reports.

When will I accomplish it:
2015 Calendar

I will accomplish my goal by the end of March.


I will reflect every Friday evening on what I have done in science and if I am close to accomplishing my goal. I will write my reflections in my daily journal.

Sunday, January 11, 2015

My Christmas Vacation

Well first I cut my hair. Then we went to Koh Chang the next day. Dad drove us to the ferry and from the ferry to the hotel. We visited the white sand beach. My brother loved it and went every evening. It was a quiet and sleepy trip back home. After a few days at home, I got a cold that stayed for about a week. I also got to stay up till 12:00. Just a few days after the cold was gone (January 10), I got a stomachache in the middle of the night. It was horrible and I was forced to stay awake till 6:30 after getting about 2 hours sleep and I slept till 12:00 so I got to watch cartoons and do what I want unlike my brother.

Explore the Kingdom/Stay at School

I was absent for both.